Tunisia Main Ruins

The ruins of Tunisia date from the Megalithic through to the Roman and Byzantine eras. With hundreds of registered archaeological sites, it would be impossible to visit them all in a short trip.


Housed in the north of Tunis and originally a 13th century palace, the Bardo Museum has
been extended and restored over the centuries and is an amazing example of 17th and 18th century Arab-Muslim architecture.

It houses exhibits from the prehistoric, Punic, Roman,
Christian and Muslim eras and of course, its world class collection of Roman mosaics.


Carthage, known as Kart-Hadasht in the ancient Punic language, was a powerful city-state located on the coast of present-day Tunisia. Founded by Phoenician settlers from Tyre in the 9th century BCE, Carthage grew into a major Mediterranean power, dominating trade and exerting influence across the region. The city's strategic position and strong naval fleet allowed it to establish a vast network of colonies and trading posts throughout the Mediterranean. Carthage's wealth and power eventually brought it into conflict with the emerging Roman Republic, leading to a series of wars known as the Punic Wars. Despite its initial successes, Carthage was ultimately destroyed by Rome in 146 BCE, marking the end of its influence and the beginning of Roman dominance in the western Mediterranean.

tourbet el bey

Tourbet El Bey is a significant historical monument located in the heart of Tunis, the capital of Tunisia. Constructed in the 18th century, this grand mausoleum serves as the final resting place for members of the Husainid dynasty, which ruled Tunisia from the early 18th century until the mid-20th century. The architecture of Tourbet El Bey is a blend of Ottoman and local styles, featuring intricate tile work, marble columns, and elaborate carvings that reflect the wealth and power of the ruling family. The mausoleum's serene atmosphere and historical importance make it a valuable cultural site, offering insight into Tunisia's rich history and the legacy of its former rulers.

Oudhna (Uthina)

Oudhna, also known as Uthina, is an ancient archaeological site located in northern Tunisia, about 30 kilometers southwest of Tunis. Originally founded as a Roman colony, Oudhna was a thriving urban center during the Roman Empire, known for its impressive public buildings and strategic importance. The site is home to several well-preserved structures, including a large amphitheater, a basilica, and extensive bath complexes, showcasing the architectural prowess of the Romans. The amphitheater, in particular, is one of the largest in Africa and could accommodate thousands of spectators, reflecting the city's significance in the region. Today, Oudhna offers visitors a glimpse into the grandeur of Roman North Africa and serves as an important reminder of Tunisia's rich and diverse historical heritage.


Utica is one of the oldest cities in North Africa, located near the modern-day city of Bizerte in Tunisia. Founded by the Phoenicians around the 11th century BCE, Utica was originally a major port and trading center long before the rise of Carthage. As Carthage grew in power, Utica became its rival and later aligned with Rome during the Punic Wars, seeking to escape Carthaginian dominance. After the fall of Carthage in 146 BCE, Utica was rewarded by Rome and became the capital of the Roman province of Africa for a time. The city flourished under Roman rule, becoming a key administrative and commercial hub. Today, the ruins of Utica, including its baths, villas, and necropolis, offer valuable insights into both its Punic and Roman past, making it an important site for understanding the early history of the Mediterranean region.


Thuburbo Majus is an ancient Roman city located in the hills of northern Tunisia, about 60 kilometers southwest of Tunis. Originally founded as a Punic settlement, Thuburbo Majus was later developed into a thriving Roman town after becoming a veteran colony under the Roman Empire. The city prospered during the 2nd and 3rd centuries CE, with its wealth reflected in the impressive public buildings and private residences that still stand today. Notable ruins include the Capitol, dedicated to Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva, as well as a large forum, public baths, and a complex of temples. The site also features elaborate mosaics and remains of residential quarters that provide a glimpse into the daily life of its inhabitants. Thuburbo Majus, with its well-preserved ruins, is a testament to the Roman influence in North Africa and serves as a significant archaeological site that offers insights into the region's ancient urban and architectural history.


The Kasbah of Hammamet is a historic fortress located in the coastal town of Hammamet in northeastern Tunisia. Built in the 9th century during the Aghlabid period, the Kasbah served as a defensive stronghold overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, protecting the town from potential invaders. The fortress is characterized by its thick walls, battlements, and strategically placed towers, which offer panoramic views of the surrounding area. Over the centuries, the Kasbah has witnessed numerous historical events and has been expanded and modified by various ruling powers, including the Ottomans. Today, the Kasbah of Hammamet is a popular tourist attraction, not only for its historical significance but also for the vibrant cultural activities it hosts, including art exhibitions and festivals. The site provides visitors with a deep connection to Tunisia's medieval history and its enduring architectural heritage.


Pupput was an ancient Roman city located near what is now the modern town of Hammamet in northeastern Tunisia. Originally established as a Punic settlement, Pupput flourished under Roman rule, becoming an important trading and agricultural hub due to its proximity to the Mediterranean coast. The city experienced significant growth during the Roman Empire, particularly in the 2nd and 3rd centuries CE, when it was elevated to the status of a Roman colony. The archaeological remains of Pupput, including its large necropolis, mosaic floors, and ruins of villas, provide valuable insights into the city's prosperity during this period. Today, Pupput is known for its extensive cemetery, which is one of the largest and most significant in Roman North Africa. The site's ruins, though less well-known than other Roman cities in Tunisia, offer a fascinating glimpse into the everyday life and burial practices of its ancient inhabitants.

citadel of kelibia

The Citadel of Kelibia, also known as the Kelibia Fort, is a prominent historical fortress perched on a hill overlooking the Mediterranean Sea in the town of Kelibia, located on the northeastern coast of Tunisia. Originally built by the Carthaginians, the citadel was later expanded and fortified by the Romans, Byzantines, and Ottomans, each leaving their mark on its architecture. The strategic location of the citadel allowed it to serve as a key defensive outpost throughout various periods of Tunisian history, protecting the coast from potential invasions. The fortress is characterized by its robust walls, watchtowers, and commanding views of the surrounding coastline, making it an impressive example of military architecture. Today, the Citadel of Kelibia is a popular tourist destination, offering visitors not only a glimpse into Tunisia's rich historical and military past but also stunning panoramic views of the Mediterranean, which have made it a cherished landmark in the region.


Kerkouane is an ancient Punic city located on the northeastern coast of Tunisia, near the modern town of Kelibia. Dating back to the 6th century BCE, Kerkouane is one of the few surviving examples of a Punic settlement that was not rebuilt by the Romans after its destruction, preserving its original layout and architecture. The city was a thriving center for trade and industry, particularly known for its production of purple dye, which was highly valued in the ancient world. The archaeological remains of Kerkouane include well-preserved houses, streets, and workshops, offering a rare and invaluable glimpse into Punic urban planning and daily life. The ruins also feature distinctive Punic architectural elements, such as multi-room houses with courtyards and sophisticated water systems. Recognized for its historical significance, Kerkouane was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1985, making it a vital site for understanding the Punic civilization and its influence in the Mediterranean region.

sbeitla (sufetula)

Sbeitla, known in ancient times as Sufetula, is a well-preserved Roman city located in central Tunisia. Established during the 1st century CE, Sbeitla flourished as a prosperous outpost of the Roman Empire, particularly during the 2nd and 3rd centuries. The city is renowned for its impressive ruins, which include some of the best-preserved Roman temples in North Africa. The most notable feature of Sbeitla is its Capitol, a unique complex of three temples dedicated to Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva, reflecting the city's religious significance. In addition to the temples, the site contains a large forum, public baths, a theater, and an array of Christian basilicas, highlighting the city's importance during both the Roman and Byzantine periods. Sbeitla’s well-planned streets, triumphal arch, and mosaics provide valuable insights into the urban life and architectural achievements of the time. Today, Sbeitla is a major archaeological site, attracting visitors who seek to explore the rich historical and cultural legacy of ancient Tunisia.

bulla regia (royal bulla)

Bulla Regia, also known as Royal Bulla, is an ancient Roman city located in northwestern Tunisia, near the modern town of Jendouba. Founded during the Numidian period, Bulla Regia became an important Roman colony after its annexation by Rome in the 1st century BCE. The city is particularly famous for its unique underground villas, which were designed to protect inhabitants from the intense heat of the region. These subterranean homes, with their beautifully preserved mosaic floors, offer a rare glimpse into Roman domestic architecture and the adaptation of Roman culture to local conditions. Bulla Regia also features a range of well-preserved public buildings, including baths, temples, a theater, and a forum, reflecting the city’s prosperity and significance in Roman North Africa. The site is a key destination for those interested in ancient history and architecture, providing an extraordinary insight into the blending of Roman and indigenous traditions.

chemtou (simitthus)

Chemtou, known in ancient times as Simitthus, is a significant archaeological site located in northwestern Tunisia. The city was established by the Numidians and later became a prominent Roman town, renowned for its rich marble quarries. The marble from Chemtou, known as giallo antico or "antique yellow," was highly prized throughout the Roman Empire and was used in some of its most prestigious buildings, including the Pantheon in Rome. Simitthus developed into a prosperous urban center, with its wealth largely derived from the marble industry. The site features remarkable ruins, including a large forum, temples, baths, and an amphitheater, all showcasing the city's architectural and cultural richness. One of the unique aspects of Chemtou is the marble workshops and quarries, which provide valuable insights into ancient mining and stone-working techniques. Today, Chemtou stands as an important testament to Tunisia's ancient industrial heritage and its role in the broader Roman world, attracting archaeologists and history enthusiasts alike.

Dougga (Thugga)

Dougga, known in antiquity as Thugga, is one of the best-preserved Roman cities in North Africa, located in the northwestern part of Tunisia. Originally founded by the Numidians, Thugga became an important city under Roman rule, particularly during the 2nd and 3rd centuries CE. The site is renowned for its remarkable state of preservation and the extensive ruins that offer a vivid picture of life in a Roman city. Key features include the majestic Capitol, dedicated to Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva, the well-preserved theater, and the expansive forum. Additionally, Dougga boasts numerous temples, public baths, and private villas, many adorned with intricate mosaics. The site also includes a Punic-Libyan mausoleum, one of the few surviving examples of its kind, highlighting the city's earlier, pre-Roman history. Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site, Dougga is celebrated not only for its architectural grandeur but also for its role as a cultural and administrative center in Roman North Africa, making it a must-visit for those interested in Tunisia’s rich archaeological heritage.

Makthar (Mactaris)

Makthar, known in ancient times as Mactaris, is an archaeological site located in central Tunisia. Founded by the Numidians, Mactaris later flourished under Roman rule, becoming an important regional center from the 1st century BCE onwards. The city is particularly noted for its blend of Roman and indigenous Berber architectural and cultural elements. Among the most impressive ruins at Makthar are the well-preserved Trajan's Arch, the forum, and the large bath complexes, which reflect the city's prosperity during the Roman period. The site also features a unique structure known as the Schola Juvenum, a rare example of a Roman youth clubhouse, which provides insights into the social life of the time. Additionally, the remains of Christian basilicas and a large necropolis reveal the city's continued importance during the Byzantine era. Today, Makthar offers visitors a rich tapestry of history, showcasing the enduring legacy of Roman and Berber civilizations in Tunisia.

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